Medium Term Business Plan

<Main Themes and Business strategies>

①Expanding and Challenging Strategies in Core Business
・Business expansion through reorganization of automotive industry
・Business expansion through wide range of cabin lineup
・Growth strategy leveraging various strategies of OEM manufactures
・Proposal of technological development and pursuit of Monozukuri
②Evolving Core Products toward Electrification
・Development and proposal of core business products for electrified vehicles
・Expansion of business in unique products for electrified vehicles
③Promoting Sustainability Management
・Diversity and revitalization of human capital
・Contribution to the global environment and society
・Strengthening corporate governance

<Targets (consolidated)>

<Capital and financial strategies >

①Operating Cash Flow
・Five-year of the new medium-term business plan generates around 120 billion yen in cash, to be appropriately allocated to each sector.
②Capital Investments
・Anticipating future growth, around 100 billion yen goes to strengthening business foundation and growth sectors during five-year period of the new medium-term business plan.
③ Shareholder Returns
・Setting 60% or higher of total return ratio to ensure stable and sustainable dividends as well as flexible acquisition of treasury share.