
Respect for Employees

Diverse Human Resources

Press Kogyo has been implementing three principles aimed at becoming a company where diverse employees can use their individual strengths and to demonstrate their capabilities in effectively through ways of working that produce results.

  1. Working style innovation (every employee tries to develop ways to increase productivity and results per hour)
  2. Diverse employees using their skills effectively (using strengths in work regardless of gender or age)
  3. Improved support systems (We support flexible ways of working for people who are rearing a child or giving nursing care)

At the same time, to support employees with responsibilities, such as childcare and nursing care, we will introduce a range of initiatives, such as a “working at home” program to enable them to stay motivated and continue maximizing their potential. We also ensure that those who have taken childcare leave can return to their original workplace, in principle, so that their experience and expertise built up over the years can be used continually, in spite of life events that could disrupt their career path. Also, seminars are provided for returning workers and their managers to help smooth the transitions back to work and to provide continual support. As part of our diversity enhancement, we set a medium- to long-term target for employing disabled people within the Group, as well as for those re-employed after retirement. We will keep improving support systems so that every employee is able to demonstrate their capabilities in innovative working styles, based on the activities surrounding our three principles.

Promoting the Empowerment of Women

To achieve diversification of human resources and work styles, Press Kogyo actively recruits women, seeking to create an environment and culture where women can play vital roles in production workplaces where men are in the majority.

Promoting Active Roles for Senior Workers

Press Kogyo has introduced a re-employment system that allows flexible working styles, such as shorter working hours and deployment overseas, and provides the opportunity for employees who want to work after the retirement age of 60 to use their accumulated knowledge and skills. We recognize that the rapidly dwindling birthrate and aging society are creating the need to promote active roles for senior citizens. We will strive to expand and improve our employment systems so that older people can take on work and further contribute to the sustainable growth of the Company.

Improving the Work Environment

Press Kogyo is making every effort to improve the work environment with the aim of creating safe and secure places of work. In addition to improving protection against cold and heat, we are systematically making improvements to complex tasks and those that involve handling heavy items.
To make improvements for difficult tasks, we are automating operations and changing working postures. We are also introducing auxiliary equipment for shipping items as well as automatic loading/unloading equipment to aid in handling heavy objects. In addition, we are reducing workloads and improving safety so that everyone, regardless of age or gender, can accomplish their tasks with relative ease.

Auxiliary equipment installed for improving shipping

Human Resource Development

Initiatives to Develop Personnel: Career Track Positions

Press Kogyo Group has established an education system based on ranking for career track positions that will ensure greater responsibility in the future. We are also providing education for everyone, from new employees to the higher levels of management. We believe that a company is a place to develop human resources and that personal and organizational growth will help to improve the entire Group. For this reason, we aim to cultivate personnel who can think and act on their own by organically connecting knowledge and experience with theory and the workplace—with a focus on training through work.
To achieve this goal, every employee is provided with choices that extend beyond position-based education to drive independent growth in capabilities and help pave a career path.

Skill Transfer and Training

To pass down and put into practice our way of manufacturing, we have set up a position-based education system for skilled workers so they can reach the next level and provide training on Press Kogyo Production Way (PPW). At the same time, we offer theme-based group training and correspondence courses to employees seeking personal growth. (We have also set up theme-based group training and correspondence courses so that we can voluntarily work on competence development)

In addition, we are working to increase the number of qualified people via national skills tests with the aim of passing on and fostering skills. To support people seeking more qualifications, since April 2019 we have provided the opportunity for practice and we send out instructors, in addition to covering the cost of obtaining public qualifications for employees via a national skills test designated by the Company.

Press Kogyo Training School

Press Kogyo Training School has been set up inside the Company for people who have graduated from high school. After finishing high school, new recruits are enrolled in the Training School as they enter the Company. For about a year or so, they learn basic and advanced skills as well as the general skills required of a working member of society. We also provide a wide range of education so that people can acquire the basic physical strength needed for work.

The School was established in 1939 with the aim of cultivating exceptional members of society and employees. We have trained more than 4,500 talented engineers that have been sent out to workplaces. In this way, we have been cultivating the many people needed to continue a corporate culture that prioritizes skills and develops people ahead of manufacturing—two of our goals since the earliest days—and who can respond effectively to rapid technological innovation based on outstanding leaders and a work environment.

Founding Spirit, Educational Philosophy, and Basic Educational Policy
Founding Spirit: Educating engineers rich in humanity

Teach and cultivate human nature as well as foster engineers with exceptional qualities

Educational Philosophy: Intellectual, moral, and physical education

Education that emphasizes human nature and the desire to grow healthily, without losing sight of essential human qualities

Basic Educational Policy: Three principles and three doctrines

Three principles:(1) Have a healthy body; (2) Be a person with strong motivation for work; and (3) Have exceptional patience

Three doctrines:(1) Sincerity; (2) Cooperation; and (3) Effort

History of Press Kogyo Training School
Apr. 1939 Established Press Kogyo School for Youth (private)
Conducts skills training for junior high school graduates
Mar. 1948 Name changed to Press Kogyo School
May 1970 Name changed to Press Kogyo Training School
Apr. 1974 Introduced specialized courses
Conducts skills training for senior high school graduates
Mar. 1999 Terminated skills training for junior high school graduates
Educational Content, Qualification Acquisition, and Skills Improvement
Educational Content


  • Mechanical engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Material mechanics
  • Health and safety
  • Drawing
  • Quality control
  • NC (numerical control) engineering
  • Automotive engineering
  • Plastics processing
  • Metallurgy
  • PPW (Press Kogyo Production Way)

Practical Training

  • Basic training
  • Practical training by subject (metal working and plastics processing, mechanical systems, and machining processes)
Qualification Acquisition
  • Certified skilled metalworker and plastics processor
  • Certified skilled worker in mechanical systems and machining processes
  • Gas welding skills course
  • Skills training for crane slinging
  • Special education for power presses
  • Special education for cranes
  • Special education for dust processing
  • Special education for arc welding
  • Special education for grinding and stone
  • Special education for forklifts
  • Special education for industrial robot teaching
  • PIS welding skills test (internal)
Skills Improvement
  • Computing course
  • Relay sequence control course
  • Electro-hydraulic pneumatic control course
  • Quality control course
  • Machining center course (mechanical system and machining process)

Work-Life Balance

Press Kogyo believes that ensuring harmony between work and private life will lead to continual corporate development, with the goal of fostering employees who are motivated and fulfilled through work and can make a meaningful contribution to society. To achieve this goal, we strive to reduce overtime through initiatives such as a flextime system, promoting paid leave, and by setting up various leave systems in areas such as childcare and nursing care. By expanding and improving these benefits, we proactively strive to create a work environment where people and the Company can grow together.

Human Rights

PRESS KOGYO Group Human Rights Policy

Our group recognizes "the respect for human rights" as a social responsibility we should fulfill as a corporation. Based on our Vision/Mission/Values, we have established the "PRESS KOGYO Group Human Rights Policy" ("the Policy").
The Policy was formulated following a resolution by the Board of Directors, with the intent to respect various international norms and laws related to human rights and to further strengthen our initiatives in this area.
Based on the Policy, we will establish a human rights due diligence mechanism. This includes identifying and assessing human rights risks, preventing, mitigating, and remediating these risks, monitoring the situation of measures taken, and disclosing information about our initiatives. Through our continuous commitment to this process, we aim to prevent and mitigate any adverse impacts on human rights caused by our business activities.

PRESS KOGYO Group Human Rights Policy

PRESS KOGYO Group Priority Human Rights Issues

Occupational Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy

Basic Philosophy

We aim to create a workplace that prioritizes safety and wellbeing so that everyone can work safely, in good health, and with pride.

Basic Policy

We will strive to continually improve our health and safety management system and promote related activities while maintaining good communications between labor and management, based on the following ideals.

  1. We will aim to develop personnel and create a workplace that ensures the elimination of serious occupational accidents.
  2. We will build a workplace where rules are followed and enforced so everyone can work safely and with peace of mind.
  3. We will strive to prevent occupational accidents by identifying potential dangers and hazards.
  4. We will promote a work environment that emphasizes wellbeing and comfort.

Safety Initiatives

Press Kogyo aims to create a workplace where everyone can work safely, in good health, and with pride using the basic philosophy of prioritizing safety and wellbeing. In addition to taking steps to reduce risks with machinery and equipment, we carry out hands-on training, near-miss reporting, and risk prediction training, among other programs, to improve every worker’s awareness of safety.
We are also striving to improve the work environment and prevent occupational accidents by promoting the 5S methodology (Sorting, Setting-in-order, Shining, Standardizing and Sustaining discipline)

  • Reducing risks with machinery and equipment
    Preventing accidents with spot welding for bumpers by using two hands
  • Forklift safety procedures
    Visibility was improved by installing blue guide lighting
Strengthening sensitivity through risk-experience training
5S methodology
  • Course on 5S provided by an external instructor
  • 5S Meister Certification System for employees reaching a set level of competence
  • Practicing safety in the workplace
Indicators of Safety and Health

Injury frequency rate;
an indicator of the frequency of occupational accidents in terms of the number of fatalities and injuries due to occupational accidents (lost time and lost work time accidents) per million actual working hours.
Severity rate;
an indicator of the severity of a disaster expressed in terms of the total number of workdays lost per 1,000 total actual work hours.

Health and Productivity Management

Our health management policy

The Press Kogyo Group believes that physical and mental health is the most important thing in order for our employees to demonstrate their abilities to the fullest and for both individuals and the company to grow steadily step by step. In order to promote healthy management as an important management issue, we have formulated the following "Press Kogyo Group Health Declaration".

Health Declaration

The Press Kogyo Group believes that each and every employee, who is an important asset, should take an interest in their health and work energetically both physically and mentally, which will lead to the happiness and vitality of our employees and their families.
In order for our employees and our group to grow together in the future, we will actively support health promotion, work to create a vibrant work environment, and contribute to the development of society.

April 1, 2024
Yuki Shimizu,

Our health management system

We placed a health promotion officer under Chief Health Officer, and the employee relations DEPT. under him serves as the secretariat for the entire company. We will integrate various health measures into the policies and activities of the central and regional safety and health committees, and promote various measures in cooperation with health insurance associations and labor unions.

health management promotion

Strategy Map

We promote measures based on a "Health Management Strategy Map" that clarifies the relationship between management issues and specific measures that we want to solve through health management.

Strategy Map

Strategy Map


1.Health action 5

In order to maintain and improve mental and physical health, it is important for each employee to be aware of and acquire healthy lifestyle habits.
For this reason, by focusing on the "5 items of lifestyle habits" and regularly checking them, they should be interested in their own health, and they should "quantify" the health level of the organization and work on it as a priority. We will try to understand the issues.

  • Poster
  • questionnaire
Health in Employee Health
2.Motor function measurement for middle-aged and elderly employees

Three types of motor function measurements (Stride length test, standing up on one leg, standing on one leg with eyes closed) are carried out for middle-aged and older employees.
By recognizing the gap between the image of one's own motor function and the actual motor function, it promotes awareness of exercise habits, which leads to improvement of healthy age and prevention of occupational accidents due to falls.

  • questionnaire and training sheet
    questionnaire and training sheet
  • Training follow-up sheet
    Training follow-up sheet

In the 2022FY survey results, 65.7% of employees had results for the three types of measurements that were at or above the national average.
In the post-implementation survey, 78.4% of employees indicated that they wanted to improve their exercise habits or were already engaged in such efforts.
We will continue to implement measures to improve the exercise habits of our employees.

3.Mental health seminar for managers and supervisors

We encourage employees to become aware of their own stress through annual stress checks, and provide opportunities for counseling and consultation.
After the stress check, we carry out mental health education for managers and supervisors, which leads to improvements in the working environment.
In recent years, we are mainly conducting online training due to prevent COVID‑19 infection. In a few months, we conduct a comprehension test to ensure that the knowledge gained during the training does not fade away.

Details and results of health management

Please refer to the following page

Other data related to health management

Labor-Management Relations

Labor and management at Press Kogyo work together to create a comfortable work environment. Through regular management meetings, labor and management join forces to resolve important issues. Intended to ensuring the safety, security, and stability of workers, we also revise our personnel systems after sharing and discussing these issues with labor and management.

Quality Assurance

Press Kogyo provides products that consider the needs for safety and environmental friendliness from the customer’s perspective.

Quality Policy

For our customers to use our products with complete satisfaction, we have set the following policy with the aim of being a world-class manufacturing company based on the quality-first principle, as well as to gain the trust of customers and society by providing products that are safe and environmentally friendly.

[Quality Policy] Continue to maintain and improve quality to achieve customer satisfaction

When carrying out this policy, all employees will act in accord with our quality management system based on our Quality Manual. We will also promote continual improvements for added evolution by grasping changes in the business environment and by responding flexibly and swiftly to both risks and opportunities.
In addition, we will improve the level of management for safety and environmental initiatives, making our response a top priority.

Initiatives to Raise Quality

Priority Measures to Improve Quality

Strengthen Quality Assurance
  1. Prevent critical defects
  2. Increase degree of quality assurance
  3. Reinforce production preparation and management

Quality Assurance Rating System

Rating the quality assurance level of each product or production line provides us with an objective indicator that we use to establish processes aimed at ensuring zero defective products, while improving customer satisfaction. As well, this system ensures that we are strengthening related operation systems.

Using quality assurance ratings, we analyze the quality assurance process and the status of process control for each product or production line, and we arrange the findings in seven stages for the probability of a quality-related risk materializing. Quality assurance levels are posted at every workplace to increase awareness and to channel energy toward even higher levels of quality.

Quality Management System

Press Kogyo Group has acquired certifications based on international standards for quality management systems at all sites and is promoting continual improvements.
Four sites in Japan and six overseas have acquired IATF 16949 certification, the standard specific to the automobile industry, while three sites in Japan and three overseas have attained ISO 9001 certification.

List of certifications acquired

Community Contribution

Environmental Preservation Activities

Support for the "Kawasaki Carbon-Zero Challenge 2050 Policy"

Kawasaki City has formulated "Kawasaki Carbon-Zero Challenge 2050 Policy" to combat global warming through the partnership of citizens, businesses and the City towards realization of decarbonized society by 2050.
We are supporting the commitment to take measures against global warming toward realization of decarbonized society.

  • Declaration of Decarbonization Action" Certificate

Donation to the “Tochigi Healthy Forest Creation Fund”

Tochigi Prefecture has established "Tochigi Healthy Forest Creation Fund" to pass down its forest to future generation.
We are fully supporting this initiative by making a donation to this fund.

  • Donation ceremony to Tochigi Prefecture

Purchase of J Blue Credit for the “Creating Sato-umi through
the Restoration of cradle (tidal flats/seaweed beds) of the Onomichi Sea Project"

Onomichi City has announced a commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and is working towards this goal. As part of their efforts, the City has launched a project to increase CO2 absorption sources in tidal flats and seaweed beds in the coastal areas of the city alongside promoting environmental education.
In support of these initiatives, we are contributing to the "Creating Sato-umi through the Restoration of cradle (tidal flats/seaweed beds) of the Onomichi Sea" project by purchasing J Blue Credits.

  • J Blue Credit opinion exchange meeting hosted by Onomichi City

Participation in the "Forest Regeneration Partner System" for the Creation of Water Source Forests in Kanagawa

Our company supports the "Kanagawa Forest Regeneration 50-Year Vision" to pass on the rich blessings of forests to future generations, and participates in the Kanagawa Forest Regeneration Partner System.
We have made a donation as part of our cooperation with the system. We will continue to support the conservation and regeneration of forests in Kanagawa Prefecture.

  • Presentation ceremony of letters of appreciation

Regarding donations to Mukawa Town, Hokkaido

As part of our community contribution activities, we have made a donation to Mukawa Town in Hokkaido, where our company's track and field team holds their summer training camp, to support the town's forest maintenance and conservation efforts.

  • The scene of the certificate of appreciation presentation ceremony.

Regarding donations to the "Sai no Kuni Midori no Kikin" (Saitama Prefecture Green Fund)

Saitama Prefecture has established the "Sai no Kuni Midori no Kikin" with the aim of passing on Saitama's rich natural environment to the next generation.
Our company supports this purpose and has made donations.

  • The scene of the certificate of appreciation presentation ceremony.

Communication with Local Communities

Social Contribution through Company Sports

Our athletics and basketball clubs play in domestic leagues that include participation in national competitions. In addition, to support local communities, we place strong emphasis on social contribution activities related to athletics, including basketball, holding running clinics for adults and children as well as basketball clinics around Fujisawa City in Kanagawa Prefecture, our base for practicing. These and other programs aim to help promote sports in the region.

  • A running clinic
  • A basketball clinic

Environmental Improvement

Press Kogyo regularly carries out local “sprucing up” and cleaning drives, such as picking up trash around our factories. We also take part in beach cleanups and other activities aimed at beautifying the local environment. Going forward, we will continue, as a member of the local community, to “spruce up” the local environment and carry out activities that lead to environmental conservation.

Picking up trash around one of our factories

Summer Evening Festival

Every summer we hold special festivals on the grounds of every factory to deepen relations between employees, their families, and the local community. In this way, expressing our thanks to local residents for their continued support.
Local communities look forward to the festivals, which have become a summer tradition, with lots of refreshment booths run by employees, big raffles, and other fun things to do.
We are also working to revitalize the local community by actively sponsoring local festivals and events.

Social Contribution

Signing an Agreement on Use of Facilities Following a Major Earthquake

Press Kogyo has concluded an agreement with the Fujisawa-Kita Police Station regarding the use of our facilities following a major earthquake. The agreement states that the Company will provide facilities, such as our gymnasium, grounds, and research center for use by police staff as an alternative when the police station is unable to function properly due to damage from a major earthquake. The alternative base would be used for police staff to wait on standby as well as for housing and parking for police vehicles.

Production and Sale of Earthquake Shelters

As part of our program to provide solutions to social issues through business, Press Kogyo is working on the development of high-strength, high-rigidity earthquake shelters based on our design and production technology from making cabins for construction machinery. The shelters, already being sold, are used as temporary evacuation sites to ensure the safety of people in places that are difficult to evacuate right after an earthquake.